
It Is With Heartfelt Gratitude … — 6 Comments

  1. Thank you, Sheryl, for this post. I was the child whose father was gone on Sea Duty with the US Navy for long stretches at a time. He did come home. I can’t imagine if he had not come back home. My mind never went there.

    Thank you for taking time to express gratitude to all who sacrificed.

    We did not live on base with other military families. We lived in a regular community. At the time all my friends had their dads at home all the time. Divorce was uncommon way back then. It was so hard to not have my dad at home often. It hurt. But like I said, he did come home. It could have been so much worse.

    • First, I want to thank you and your family – and especially your dad – for your/his service to defend our country, Janice. Thank you and your family for the sacrifice of not having your dad at home for extended periods of time. Thank you to your dad for bravely serving!

      I’m glad your dad always returned home!

  2. There isn’t enough gratitude to our women and men in the military who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms we enjoy in America! I love the verse you chose from Lamentations to share to the loved ones left behind! There are new mercies every morning and God is faithful to provide in the midst of mourning a great loss! Thanks Sheryl!❤️

    • I SO agree: our military hasn’t been shown near the gratitude they deserve for defending our country – especially the Gold Star Families whose loved ones lost their lives while bravely serving in our military.

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