
Rather Than Drowning Your Sorrows — 7 Comments

  1. I used the drown my sorrows approach. It didn’t work and it delayed my healing. On my own I loved it. I could get smashed and be in oblivion where I didn’t have to feel. It was convenient and it was MY world where I controlled how I FELT. Toward the end I couldn’t control how I felt and it turned on me. Would it have been better to go straight to friends for prayer and support. Sure,but I didn’t want to. No false story here this is my story. I’m not there now because I live by the 12 steps of AA. I have the prayerful support of total strangers and it has made the difference.

    • Hi, Joe. Welcome to Today Can Be Different! I appreciate your comment – especially your candor.
      Wow!! I praise God that you’ve found help through AA – and the prayers of those who support you.

  2. What a blessing to have a friend like Susan!
    2 Corinthians 1:4
    “Who comforts us in all our suffering, so that we may be able to comfort others in all their suffering, as we ourselves are being comforted by God.”

    I see your point Sheryl. We need to turn to God and believe his word. Y’all prayed according to God’s will. God desired/desires for your marriage to be saved. It is God who instituted marriage. Marriage is not a man made institute. I love how you always promote marriage. We don’t hear that often these days. I remember when you went through that trying heartbreaking time. I did not see how your marriage could survive but you continued to insist that prayer be for your marriage. I was and still am blown away by the miracle that took place! God really performed a miracle and I’m thankful God gave both you and Susan the faith to believe God was going to work this miracle. It truly was a miracle.

    • Hello, Barbara, dear faithful friend. You were another friend who prayed with me. I only shared with a few people what was going on. And though you and I never met in person, your love and encouragement helped so much. Thank you.

      • And thank you also, Barbara, for sharing this week’s devotion on your Facebook page. I hope Bert’s and my story will encourage others.

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