
Do You Want More From Your Quiet Time? — 12 Comments

  1. “Why would Jesus, the Son of God, seek time with His Father? So He could check it off His to-do list?”
    Wow! Great observation! I think this may truly be a rut we often fall into while losing sight of its true purpose.

    “because He was fully aware of (and fully valued) His Father’s love for Him?”
    I certainly think that is always key. I’m also reminded of the scripture that says: “So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of his own accord, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, that the Son does likewise.” John 5:19

    And we are to imitate Jesus, doing what the Father does. But do we even know Him? Is it His face we seek when we die or do we love someone else more. Who will we seek when we get to heaven? We will seek whoever we are seeking now. Do we seek the Creator or the creation? Do we love a human more than God? If the answer to that is yes then we need to ask God for help. Yes, we need to ask him for help to even turn our eyes towards Him and help us to love Him above the creation. That is praying according to His will and we can know that He hears and answers our prayer.

    Today, let us seek the Father with all our hearts ♥️

    • I agree, Barbara, we can easily fall into a rut with our quiet time. AND I love the added perspective you gave! (Also, thank you for sharing this devotion on your FB page – and for dropping by the Today Can Be Different blog to leave a comment!)

  2. Having some quite time with God and just being in his presence,helps in knowing Him more and be able to listen to Him when He speaks.My desire is to be at His presence and spent more time with Him because He is TRUE friend who listens to our problems and answers and who will never betray me,I just want to know Him more everyday

  3. Sheryl, your articles are all very special and always speak to my heart for what I may be going through that particular day and thank you for allowing God to work through you in your Christian walk with him.

    • THANK you, Gina, for your kind words. I’m honored – and humbled – that God uses my writing.
      And it was great seeing you at our Ladies Accountability Group yesterday. You are a blessing!

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