
Restoring The One Who Has Hit Rock Bottom (In Honor of the 2024 National Day of Prayer) — 15 Comments

  1. This is such a timely blog post considering all the scandalous gossip revolving around political figures in an election year. Better to use our words in prayer to ask God for truth, restoration of those who fall short of His ways, and to not waste words on gossip not worth repeating.

    Jesus was so good to and good for the woman at the well to give her living water. She was refreshed and willing to share with others in her realm. We, too, should be very willing to shsre a refreshing of the soulin our parched and weary land.

  2. I imagine the woman repented and decided to take the right path after meeting Jesus at the well.
    Looking back to my earlier years I was lost and didn’t realize that I was only hurting myself.
    Years later it was if I was that woman who Jesus met at the well. He reassured me that I could turn my life around. He took my hand and told me that my belief had set me free.

    • THANK you, Sandra, for answering my “What do you think?” questions. Love your answers.
      One thought: when you said that you were only hurting yourself, I wonder if perhaps you would agree that your actions sometimes also hurt those who loved you. (You think?)

  3. I certainly can relate to the woman in that I had many failed relationships before being married, because I always went about it in the wrong way, definitely not in God’s way! But when God sent my husband into my life, many things changed for the better even though I still wasn’t a Christian! The Lord knew he would be a good husband and father and I needed stability. God changes people through many avenues even before they are believers, so we need to be sensitive to His leading in other’s lives. How can we reach out to our neighbors even when we don’t always agree with them? Since I’ve done many things in my life, I’m not proud of in my past, I’m more open to reaching out to others, even if they are a bit different than I. Thanks Sheryl! ✝️️

    • I especially love the last half of your comment, Kim. (Although the whole comment was good. ) I’ve always appreciated your heart for others!

  4. Having been on the receiving end of much criticisms and nasty behaviors from the church, not one person ever asked what was going on. Basically, it was physical health issues immediately after military service. I was physically unable to care for others as I was barely making it. They never asked. I ended up changing denominations.

      • No problem. Took a long time to physically recover, but got passed that and moved on. Joined a small independent church. Even well into a ThD program.

  5. Forgot to mention. Not only did I “move on”, but literally did so to the other side of the U.S.! Great decision. Life rapidly turned around from the previous negative environment.

    • I appreciate you letting us know you’re doing better (on several levels), Robert. My last comment’s original wording included the question, “May I ask how you’re doing?” However, I deleted it, thinking that it would have been too personal.

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