
When We Revel In Our “Enemy’s” Downfall — 15 Comments

  1. I’ve been there and with the Lord’s help I’ve made a lot of wonderful progress. It’s a continual battle but I’m determined not to look down on anyone.
    Now whenever my husband makes a rather unsavory comment,I’m determined not to comment but rather offer a silent prayer.
    Let’s just say that I’m a work in progress.

    • Me too, dear friend. Me too.
      Praise God that He will continue the work He began in us!
      Thank you, Sandra. I appreciate how often you stop by Today Can Be Different to leave a comment.

      • I’m already subscribed.
        Didn’t need to again.
        Thanks for asking because we need to be careful.

  2. 1 Corinthians 13:6 (ESV): “[Love] does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.”
    Though you may try to hide it, do you find yourself sometimes enjoying someone’s downfall?

  3. We all need to get the log out of our own eye before we get the speck out of others. Sheryl you know what I have been dealing with and,I am thankful with God’s help i am getting through it all andI am a work in progress too.

  4. We all want the truth to be revealed, as the Lord does, but we shouldn’t revel in another’s downfall, but we need to love our enemies, and have compassion on another’s failing! Sometimes this is easier said than done, because if we are honest, we all have times when we are glad when someone receives justice for their wrongdoing, and maybe we enjoy it too much. How would you like it if someone else did the same for you? Nobody’s perfect; definitely not me! Maybe we should try praying for them instead! “Do unto others what you would have them to do unto you!” Matthew 7:12 Thanks Sheryl!

    • Exactly, Kim. We indeed want the truth to be revealed, as well as all deception.
      Matthew 7:12 is a perfect verse to support my premise of this devotion. Thank you for sharing it.

  5. What a wonderful response. I agree that it’s easier Saud than done but not impossible. With the Lord’s help, He can give us the strength to do so.

    • Amen! We can do ALL things with God’s help, including praying for ~ and showing compassion for ~ all those who have brought shame upon themselves and their families. Thank you, Sandra, for furthering the conversation.

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