
Thanking God for His Watchful Care — 7 Comments

  1. Sheryl, thank you for your outstanding blog message in which you share your wonderful letter to God thanking Him for His watchful care over you. May it serve as an inspiration to all who read it to do the same! When we commit our thoughts to writing they seem to take on an even deeper meaning. May we each remember the importance of thanking God for loving and watching over us! Amen! ❤ (Honored to share on our A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page outreach and on my Timeline.]

    • Thank you, Joyce, for your kind words! I especially appreciate your encouragement for others to “commit [their] thoughts to writing” God a letter too. And THANK YOU, Joyce, for sharing my letter on the A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page outreach – and on your Facebook page.

  2. Thank you, Sheryl, for sharing your thoughts, your leadings from God, with us. We need to daily be a thankful people unto our precious heavenly Father! He so cares for us! Have a great day! God bless you!

    • Thank you, Gaye! I appreciate your encouraging comment. I love the way God “so cares for us!”
      I’m glad you stopped by Today Can Be Different, Gaye. I hope you do so often!
      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

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