
Finding Hope This Holiday Season — 6 Comments

  1. This is certainly an important topic for the holidays. Many people feel more alone than ever at this time. Thank you for the reminder.

  2. Sheryl, thank you for your timely blog message in which you offer compassionate hope to those who are suffering from depression during this holiday season. May it serve as an encouragement to all who read it to reach out to God in prayer. May we each remember the importance of being dependent on our merciful Father, especially when we feel we have no hope, and rest in the strength He brings to our hearts! Amen! ❤ (Honored to share on our A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page outreach and on my Timeline.]

    • I appreciate your heart, Joyce! And thank you for sharing my devotion on the A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page outreach and on your Facebook page.

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