
There Is Life After Depression — 12 Comments

  1. I’m glad you survived that day too! And now you are such a blessing to so many people.

    • THANK you, Barbara!! I’m glad – I’m thrilled – that God brought me out of that terrible darkness into His marvelous light.
      And thank you for the compliment. Your consistent encouraging comments and sharing my devotions on your Facebook page mean a lot to me, Barbara.

  2. Sheryl, thank you for your exceptional blog message today! Your heartfelt testimony and powerful words will reach out and touch so many hearts around the world for His purpose and glory! I found your words to be both insightful and encouraging and have shared your important message on our Heart”wings” A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page as well as my Timeline. j

    • I appreciate your kind words, Joyce. Thank you so much. I love how God uses us (our stories) to encourage others – and to glorify His work in us! And thank you so much for sharing my devotion on the Heart”wings” A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page – and on your personal Facebook page, Joyce.

  3. I will share this to help others. I suffered from depression for years, but I had a wonderful Doctor and together I am still here.

    • Hello, Dave. I’m glad you’re still here. I sincerely pray you will experience freedom from your depression.
      Thank you for the compliment in telling me you’ll be sharing my post “to help others.” May God use this post – and others I’ve written on the subject – to help those suffering from depression!
      I appreciate your stopping by again, Dave. Please stay in touch.

  4. Hi, Sheryl. I lost both of my parents to suicide 3 1/2 years apart. They both loved the Lord and had a genuine personal relationship with Him. I’m glad you are still here! Thank you for sharing your experience. As believers, the more we openly share our experiences in the area of mental health, the more quickly the stigma that sometimes still surrounds the topic in Christian circles can be erased.

    Out of the tragedy of my parents’ suicides, God birthed a ministry to people who are hurting. He often gives us opportunities to speak with people whose lives have been touched and forever changed by suicide or depression. He also had me write a book that combines biblical principles with life experience to show that God can be trusted, even when life hurts. I thank the Lord for the good He has brought out of their deaths. The book is The Other Side of the Tapestry: Choosing to Trust God When Life Hurts. If it sounds like something you would like to read, please let me know and I would be happy to send a copy to you at no charge.

    God bless,

    • Hello, Maureen. Wow!! I am so sorry to hear about both of your parents taking their lives. I can only begin to imagine how horrific that must have been. I’m ordering your book today on Amazon.
      Please consider subscribing to my blog because I write a lot about depression and suicide – as well as many, many ways we can make today better than yesterday.
      Thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different, Maureen. Please stop by often.

  5. This is a powerful story, Sheryl, and I am so thankful for you & your transparency. Depression is a real stigma but most of us have experienced it at some time in our lives. I know I have. Thank you for being so open & vulnerable, you are making it easier for everyone around you to share their stories! Me included!

    • Hello, Mary Doug. WELCOME to Today Can Be Different.
      It always thrills me when God uses my devotions to help others – especially the ones I write about depression and anxiety. Praise God for His continued work in you, Mary Doug. I pray He continues to use you to offer hope for those suffering.
      Thank you for stopping by. I hope you stay in touch and let us know how you’re doing.

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