
Want to Know God Better? — 6 Comments

  1. “ As in any relationship, if we want to know God, we must purpose to do so.”
    Sometimes it’s the simple things that are the most profound. Yes, we must purposefully seek God. Time is running out.

    • Indeed. We don’t know how much time we have left – but it is certainly less time than we had yesterday!
      Thank you, Barbara, for stopping by again. I love reading your comments!
      And thank you so much for sharing this devotion on your Facebook page.

  2. Sheryl, thank you for your exceptional blog message today! I found it to be both insightful and encouraging and have shared it on our Heart”wings” A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page as well as my Timeline. j

    • Thank you, Joyce!! It means so much to me that you shared my devotion on your Facebook page – and on the Heart”wings” A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page. (And thank you for your encouraging words!)

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