
How to Obtain Life-Joy — 9 Comments

    • Thank you so much, Delores. AND thank you for sharing this devotion on your Facebook page.
      It’s so nice to see you whenever you drop by Today Can Be Different, Delores. I hope you do so again!

  1. Sheryl, thank you for your exceptional blog message today! I found it to be enlightening and thought-provoking as it prompts us to confront our own weaknesses in expressing our testimonies and in reaching out to share the good news of the Gospel with the unsaved: “No one likes to be mocked and lied about. Persecution, in any form, is painful.” I love your opening question: “What would you be willing to do in order to be so spiritually prosperous that others envy your relationship with God?” May we always lean into Him for His strength and guidance in every area of our lives. Amen! ❤ [Honored to share your message on our A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry outreach and on my Timeline. ❤ ]

    • You always leave great comments, Joyce. Thank you for the compliment and insights! “May we always lean into Him for His strength and guidance in every area of our lives,” indeed.

      • And thank you for sharing my devotion on A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry outreach and on your Facebook page, Joyce!

  2. I AM on the edge of my seat to hear next week’s blog. She is always “spot-on” as if she has a camera in my house! I always get something spiritually good or great from her blogs. People can relate to her as she is the real deal/Christian.

    • Hello, Chris.Thank you so very much for your kind words. I love how the Holy Spirit works in helping me to write messages helpful to my readers. Truth be told . . . I benefit from my devotions too. 🙂 😉
      AND welcome to Today Can Be Different, Chris! Stop by again often!!
      (I’ll try to get the next post up soon so you can relax in your seat. Lol)

  3. It’s enough to almost make you want to be persecuted… until you think that through. This would really help with dying to self. Kinda like a crash course.

    • Very interesting comment, Barbara. I get what you’re saying in that the thought of becoming “spiritually prosperous – to the point of envy” is so great that being persecuted would be worth the cost.
      Let’s pray that every day we ask God to help us boldly (lovingly, sensitively – yet boldly) stand strong in our faith so that as the times of persecution get stronger, we’ll be better equipped to persevere.
      Thank you so much for stopping by, Barbara – and for sharing this devotion on your Facebook page.

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