
We Are Better When We Fear God — 5 Comments

  1. This is so true. God is holy and worthy of our respect. I think this is something that is often neglected.

      • And thank you for sharing my devotion on your Facebook page, Barbara. You’ve been so sweet to share my devotions for many years!

  2. ❤ Sheryl, I love this message! You have so intricately described our loving Father and explained the meanings of true reverence and respect for His great and awesome majesty and power. I echo your words: “It’s important that we never minimize God’s holiness. He is Almighty and deserves our complete respect and obedience. But even when we fail to revere or obey Him, this same mighty God still loves us and wants us to draw near to Him.” I add, Amen and Amen! ❤ I am both honored and blessed to share your message to my Timeline to reach more hearts for His divine purpose and glory. ❤

    • Thank you, Joyce, for reading my devotion and for sharing it on your timeline! And thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different to leave a comment. I always appreciate it.

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