
Want Something Different In Your Relationship With God? — 9 Comments

  1. <3 Sheryl, thank you for your wonderful, insightful blog message pointing us to getting to know our Heavenly Father. Your words: "The more you feel His nearness, the more you’ll experience a peace you’ve never felt before" so aptly reflect what it means to seek His presence through His Word every day. In the busyness of our days, may we not cut our time of fellowship with Him short or we may soon find ourselves "flitting to and fro like butterflies" instead of focusing on the important things He wants to teach our hearts. May we sip the sweet nectar as we linger in His presence. Amen! <3 I am both honored and blessed to share your message to my Timeline. <3

    • Indeed. It’s very important for us to appreciate our relationship with our heavenly Father, Sandra. We miss out when we don’t.
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