
We can live differently in 2021 — 15 Comments

  1. Thank you for this. I struggle with the same old habits year after year and have failed miserably. I see from this article that today can be different if I would put forth the effort. I am going to pray for God to reveal these things to me and work on them little by little. God Bless you Sheryl for sharing.

    • Hi, Gina! I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN! Boy do I. If you’d like, we can pray for each other and even be accountable to each other regarding our progress. Let me know what you think about this. In fact, I’ve been wanting to re-start a ladies accountability group for this very reason.
      Thank you for dropping by – and for your honest comment.

  2. “ To be clear: I’m not talking about willpower. I’m talking about staying on task, trusting God – with expectation”

    I pray the scriptures. One being to thank God that he is completing the good work he began in me. That always comforts me knowing that it isn’t me but God in his great power who is bringing about my transformation.

  3. My resolution is to minimize watching secular channels and watch more faith-based TV or DVDs. The secular channels just won’t let up pushing their very ungodly agendas. Their sponsors spend lots of money to advertise their products and we simply do not have to conform to their standards.

  4. Amen!! I agree, FellowBeliever. We are influenced much more than we realize by what we watch and listen to.
    And thank you, Barbara, for committing to pray for our friend, FellowBeliever. I hope we, the Body of Christ, will pray for each other to rise to a higher standard in 2021.

  5. Thank you, Sheryl, for pointing out the difference between simple spoken resolutions and goals to pursue that resolve a perception of how we might be disappointing God.

    • And thank YOU, Sharron, for reading my devotion – and taking the time to leave a comment.
      I hope 2021 will be a life-changing and heart-changing year for you!

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