
Tomorrow can be great — 8 Comments

  1. Thank you Sheryl. You are exactly correct. We must recommit to God daily.
    There is a great CS Lewis quote that you brought to mind this morning.
    “ Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.”

    God Bless and thank you so much.

    • Good morning, Marla. I love that CS Lewis quote!
      Let’s pray – with full intention – asking God to remind us (AND to give us the will to follow thru) to rely on Him afresh each day. Even each hour of each day.

  2. “ We could begin by asking God to help us desire Him more than we desire anyone or anything else.”
    And that is exactly the type of prayer that lines up to God’s word! He desires to mold us in his image. And we know that if we ask anything in His name He will do it.

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