
Where Is Your Heart For God? — 8 Comments

  1. “ If you’re not currently meditating on Bible verses, would you consider picking a verse before you go to bed tonight, then read it (and think about it) throughout your day tomorrow?”
    I accept your challenge! Great post. This spoke to me.

    • Praise God!! Thank you for letting me know, Barbara. Perhaps we can share what verses we’re meditating on each day as a way to stay motivated.

  2. Thank you Sheryl, This is me .I have been a dedicated Christian,a praise and worshiper but lately my heart is fading away.2 months I haven’t stepped in church.Seems that my prayers are not answered, I need prayers.

    • I will be praying for you, my friend. With all you’re going through, you need fellowship and teaching. I know you have a strong love for God and His Word – I’ve seen it in your FB posts. Will you be able to attend church this weekend, Linda?

      • Thank you Sheryl for your prayers.I will attend this weekend because I don’t want to be far from God.

  3. In March of 2020 I began listening to the Bible teaching ministry of David Jeremiah. (I highly recommend listening to him or someone else who has a love and passion for God’s written Word.) In 2021 I read my Bible through (without the comments) for the very first time. Over the years, I’ve gone through multiple Bible studies and read through the New Testament several times, but did not have a desire to read the Old Testament on my own.

    By reading God’s Word and listening to teachers who teach from it, I started developing a deep craving for it. In January of this year, I started a new Bible reading plan. I’m reading the ESV translation for the first time. Along with the comments from this Bible, I am reading the comments from three other translations, absorbing all I can get.

    It is mind boggling to think of what I’ve been missing out on! I am two days shy of my 64th birthday and can’t believe I waited this long to read God’s love letter to us with a heart to understand and a deep desire to live out what it teaches. I praise God for carrying me through all these years. And I thank Him for stirring my heart anew with an authentic love for His Word. My desire to know Him on a deeper level has grown exponentially. And I anticipate it to keep growing until I meet Him face to face. Being a lifelong learner of biblical truth has never been so exciting!!

    • I absolutely love your comment, Linda H. Praise God for all He continues to do in you – and in each of us – as we spend time in His Word.
      WELCOME to Today Can Be Different, Linda. I hope you stop by often.
      And thank you for sharing this devotion on your Facebook page.

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