
What Do You Need From Jesus? — 11 Comments

  1. I need stability in my mind when my thoughts and spirit go south. This is happening most often when my wife corrects me unnecessarily with a voice that is not kind. She usually does this when I’ve repeated because I’ve not heard or forgotten something. Sometimes SHE misunderstands me and presents something false. When I try to explain she stops me. What do I do? I can only stand so much and keep my head high and positive.

    • So what I need from Jesus is to watch my back and keep things positive and fairly balanced. I’m an easy going guy,I want to see things in the right way. But,why are things going south for me so often?

      • Hi, Joe. I don’t know why “things are going south for [you] so often. But I do know that God is aware of everything you’re feeling – and everything your wife is feeling.
        I’m so very sorry your marriage has been difficult. Truth be told, Bert’s and my marriage is a work in progress!
        Your words convict me as I recall times I’ve said things to Bert in a less than loving way. He and I both have fallen into disrespectful behavior. But we’re still trying. We’re still praying – for each other AND for our own areas.
        I read a great book that really helped me by Emerson Eggerichs “Love & Respect.” Please consider reading it. Joe, your wife probably wants to be a better wife and hates the way she messes up. Just as you likely hate the way you’re messing up as a husband. Begin praying (as Barbara suggested in her comment) for yourself AND for your wife. Consider humbling yourself before the Lord and ask God to show you areas you need to work on. Often when I take my eyes off of Bert’s shortcomings and focus on my own, my anger mellows out a bit. I will be praying for you and for your wife, Joe.
        If you think it would help, type in “marriage” in the search field in the upper right hand corner of this page and read the articles I’ve written on the subject. I try to be honest about Bert’s and my struggle. Hopefully, our journey will encourage you.

    • Joe, my heart goes out to you. You a definitely in a bad situation. Wives are supposed to be help mates and not roughly correcting. I wish I could speak to her for you. But you do know the scriptures tell us that regardless of how our spouse acts we are still expected to fulfill our end as a godly spouse. Continue to pray for her. Do y’all pray together as a family? Have you tried talking to her when she’s not angry. Again, I feel for you and I will pray for you right now.

  2. Joe,I didn’t want my marriage to fail,I prayed and fasted but still got out hand.I know God answers in three ways,yes, no or wait.His timing is not ours but His time is the best,(Isaiah 60:22).All what God wants us to do is to pray persistently without giving up(Luke 18:1-8).The devil work is to destroy marriages because the devil knows that the church starts with family.I pray for you,your wife and your marriage and every marriage that is going through rumbles,May there be peace,understanding and LOVE.For LOVE covers multitude is sins.
    1 Peter:4.8
    Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

    My prayers are with You Joe.

  3. If I could sit with Jesus at a breakfast table and He asks me what I want Him to do for me,I will tell him to watch over my children,give me financial breakthrough so that my children never lacks that they don’t go without food,clothes and a roof over their head.

    ## Lord Jesus,you who hear and answer our prayers,come through my situation##.

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