
You Can Get Your Life Back On Track — 10 Comments

  1. A very good word indeed! Encouraging words like this are so very helpful and uplifting! Thanks and God bless you!

  2. This is a good word. We need to constantly examine ourselves. Sometimes our sins can seem so subtle. Just looking away briefly at the world and letting the world catch our eye; and oftentimes we stay there never giving a thought to what we’ve done. But we’ve turned our hearts to other gods and we’ve gotten far away from God. Yet, he’s as close as repentance.

  3. ❤ Sheryl, thank you for your encouraging, insightful message pointing us to reflect upon our current situation. If we find that we have gotten “off track” because of bad choices that grieve us, you show us how we can make the corrections to regain God’s purpose in our lives. His forgiveness and direction is always available through His mercy and grace if we come before Him with repentant, contrite hearts asking for His forgiveness. May our thankful hearts attest to His goodness! Amen! ❤ I am both honored and blessed to share your message on my Timeline. ❤

  4. So powerful,this is speaking directly to me.Praying for mercy.
    He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

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