
If You’re Depressed or Suicidal … — 7 Comments

  1. I, too, struggled with depression for years. And now that I am a recent widow, I fear that I may fall back into the pit. But I am finding that although I grieve, I am not in that horrid dark place that was depression. One thing that a Christian counselor suggested to me, and I found helpful, was to picture myself in a sanctuary, with God in the front and His robe filling the sanctuary – like the visual image in Isaiah 6:1. Then she suggested I picture myself rolling myself up in the hem of His robe, snuggling into the warmth and softness and feeling His love. For someone who felt unworthy of that love, this was an acceptable image, and it comforted me. As I practiced this imaging, I found myself mentally growing closer to God, and eventually found myself crawling up into His lap and feeling His loving arms around me. I hope this helps someone.

    • Thank you for sharing, Paula. I can’t imagine how hard this time must be for you. I will agree with you in prayer that you will NOT fall back into “that horrid dark place!” I’m thankful you found a Christian counselor and I do think your comment will, indeed, help others.
      Please keep in touch, dear one.

      • Also, Paula, please let us know how we, the church, can be more supportive of you during this time, okay? And ways we are possibly letting you down. If you prefer to email me or private message me, then please do.
        Thanks again for visiting Today Can Be Different, Paula.

  2. When I went through my worst depression, in my 30s, it actually pulled me away from the church. I didn’t believe God could help me. I wasn’t even sure he was there. It wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of folks don’t feel that way. How often have I heard, “Why would God allow that terrible thing to happen to me/to my friend/to people in the world in general? What kind of God is that?”

    I think that sometimes people look at God the same way they look at anti-depressants; God’s supposed to make your life wonderful, right? Just like Anti-depressants are supposed to be happy pills?

    The truth is, anti-depressants are not happy pills. They don’t make your life all rainbows and puppies. What they do is provide a safety net to keep you from falling too far, so you can be in a place where you can actually work on your problems. I think the same can be said of God. He is our safety net. If we call out for his love and mercy, he will hold us up and help us work on our problems. Thing is, we have to call out and do the work, just like we have to seek professional help, get anti-depressants, and do the work we need to do to heal.

    It reminds me of a prayer we say at my church: We will work as if it all depends on us. We will pray as if it all depends on You. Jesus, we trust in You.” There are two pieces to recovery from depression: work, and faith.

    Some people, when they are depressed, look at it as some kind of punishment from God. Again, how often have I heard, “Why is God punishing me??” I don’t believe God punishes. God loves us, not because we are good, but because HE is good. Bad things happen, but these are not because of God. They happen because people are marred by sin. It can be something as simple and tragic as someone who chooses to drink too much and causes the death of another in a car accident, or as complex as someone whose heart is full of evil and goes out to inflict that evil on others.

    In the end, we must work, and we must pray, and we must take the steps advised by professionals. It’s hard to have to admit for the first time that you need help, that you can’t fix yourself, that you need medication, that you need God. But in the end, we need to put aside that false pride and ask for what we need. I’ve been told that God answers all pleas for help, but not always with the answer we are expected or in the time frame we have in mind. We have to do our work and ask for God to point us in the right direction and look for the answers he puts in our path.

    • Thank you for your candid and thought-out comment, Phyllis.
      I agree with so much of what you said, including the part about medication. There is much controversy (especially in the church) about anti-depressants. However, if the doctor is able to prescribe the correct medication (not one which numbs us, but one that medically corrects the imbalance in our brain) then we have a better chance to recover. The correct medication can also help prevent suicides, too.

      Again, I appreciate your perspective, Phyllis. In Christ, we can persevere As we yield to Him and lean on His grace (while following His counsel – which may include getting the right professional help and taking the right medication), there we can experience relief from depression.

      Thank you, again, Phyllis, for dropping by and sharing!

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