
A Bible Verse We Often Rather Skip Over — 10 Comments

  1. Thank you for your timely reflection and experience. This verse is a deeply healing command, not a suggestion. A daily struggle if we stay present in our families, neighborhood and community, both secular and faith based.

    • EXCELLENT comment, Jeanie. Very well said. Thank you.
      I especially appreciate your reminding us that forgiveness brings healing.
      Welcome to Today Can Be Different. Please stop by often.

  2. “When we hear (and obey) His Word, we gain the ability to destroy what the devil is using to break us.”
    I love this! Where we are weak, he is strong! We are more than conquers through Christ Jesus!

    “Even if we do this reluctantly at first.”
    That is so true. I always do it reluctantly at first. But God is able and faithful to enable me to obey him.

  3. Sheryl, thank you for your exceptional blog message today! I found it to be both insightful and encouraging and have shared it on our Heart”wings” A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page as well as my Timeline. j

    • THANK you so much, Joyce. It means a lot to me that you shared it on the Heart”wings” A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page – and on your personal Facebook page. Again thank you for the compliment – AND for all you (and Becky Gifford Smith) do for the Body of Christ.

  4. What a beautiful reminder. It can be hard to forgive and pray blessings over those who abuse us. And yet, when we do, the Lord does something amazing. He takes the pain onto himself and frees us from the grip of the evil one.

    • INDEED! Thank you, Tang, for stopping by and leaving a great (insightful) comment.
      Welcome to Today Can Be Different. I hope you stop by often.

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