
I Love the Way God Loves Us — 12 Comments

  1. I would have to say that up until about 2 years ago, my life was completely different than it is now. I no longer nag or argue and am able to control most of my thoughts and words through the miraculous transformation from the Lord.
    Was it easy? Not by a long shot but it was well worth the effort and time spent praying.
    I also have to say that Heart”wings and several other posts reinforced my decision.
    Now, I continue with messages such as yours.
    Thank you for your dedication and I owe a lot to Heart”wings.

    • I love how God uses His people (including how He used Heart”wings) for His purposes, Sandra. It reminds me of Hebrews 10:24: “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.”
      Which, by the way, God is using you in a mighty way, my dear friend.
      Thank you for the compliment ~ and for stopping by Today Can Be Different, Sandra.

  2. Amen! I used your last few questions as a prayer for the Lord concerning my own children.

    • What a wonderful way to pray for our children, Wendy. I’m going to follow your example and use the end of my post to pray for my children, too!
      Thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different! I always love it when you do.

  3. What a brilliant idea.we can all learn by opening up my minds and souls.

    • Indeed. We can experience God’s transformational power as we spend time with Him in prayer and His Word!

  4. I do love how God loves us! And I hope to be able to love Him more and better as each day gives me chances to show my love for Him. If everyone operated from a base of knowing the great love God has for them then I think a lot of troubles in the world would disappear.There will always be troubles, but the reactions and attitudes based on not feeling loved by God or others through the troubles leads to double, triple, and quadruple troubles. Praying for more to know the love of Jesus and to accept Him as Lord and Savior.

  5. This is a great devotion! I just mentioned this verse Galatians 2:20 the other day! I love the way God loves us, too! Amazing, perfect, holy love is impossible to fully comprehend, but the closer we draw near to Him at the cross, the closer He draws near to us! Why is it when Christ breaks every chain in our lives, do we put ourselves back in bondage? “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 Be free my friends, be free in Christ Jesus! Thanks Sheryl!✝️⛓️

    • Amen! Amen!! I absolutely love every point you made – and every Bible verse you quoted ~ AND the challenge you ended with, Kim. THANK you so much.

  6. One area in my life that I’ve had to work on is looking down on someone who is different. Either very large or perhaps with a lot of tattoos. My husband actually started it and I used to comment and say something negative. I’ve decided to pray about this area in my Christian life and now whenever my husband starts a comment, I am able to refrain from it. It is liberating to know that I’m slowly overcoming another negative trait in my life. Satan really loves attacking us and since he’s nit allowed in my home, he found another way. No more.

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