
Change Your Day in One Hour — 6 Comments

  1. “ He’ll even increase our desire to do everything in a way that honors Him.”

    That is often my prayer and hope in God that He makes me want to do his will. I forgot the scripture that goes with that. Maybe someone can post it in the comments. I know my time is something I need to improve upon. Thank you for the exhortation.

  2. Philippians 2:13 (ESV)
    For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

    A great verse, Barbara. Thank you for mentioning it in your comment. It goes perfectly with the theme of my devotion.

  3. I really like the concept of breaking my day up into 60 min stages. Then ask God for His directions throughout the day. What a simple and powerful tool.

    • Hi, Kitty. Great comment. I especially like the way you ask God for His directions throughout your day!
      Thank you for stopping by. I hope you do so often, Kitty.

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