
God Knows the Real Us — 6 Comments

  1. Sheryl, thank you for your exceptional blog message today! I found it to be both insightful and encouraging and have shared it on our Heart”wings” A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page. j

    • THANK you SO much, Joyce. That means a lot to me. Please pray for me as I continue to write.
      And may God continue to bless Heart”wings”!

  2. Thank for this article Sheryl. I constantly need to be reminded of this and that God still loves me even when I am at my worse and has forgiven me. This is such a wonderful blessing.

    • Thank you, Gina. I share your sentiments. I too am awed by God’s steady, consistent, unconditional love for me!
      It’s always great to see you at Today Can Be Different!

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