
Changing Our Reckless Behavior — 6 Comments

  1. I’m sure you hit a lot of nerves with this one. I’ve always believed that as Christians we should obey the laws (unless of course they go against scripture). There are many who proclaim to be Christians who would/will disagree with you. I think it has a lot to do with our mind frame. Are we in submission to authorizes or are we going our own way? Submitting to local authorities is a step closer to submitting to God. He did give us our local authorities. And he did tell us to submit to them.

    • Amen. Thank you, Barbara, for beginning the conversation.
      Although my devotion speaks more about our personal behavior regarding our everyday choices, I TOTALLY agree that submitting to governing authorities (unless, as you said, they go against scripture) is mandated by Scripture.

  2. Sheryl, thank you for your insightful blog message pointing us to look at our own reckless behavior if we are acting recklessly. Your focus on reckless driving gives us much to consider. In your words: “The way we drive often reflects the way we live and think. Off the road, we sometimes push the envelope, embellish the truth, disregard the validity of rules, rationalize our choices, or follow the wrong crowd.” May we not be reckless in our spiritual behavior, but rather follow our Lord and live within the guidelines that have been given us in the Bible that point us to living our lives in accordance with the precepts we learn through God’s Word. May we learn ways to change our reckless behavior and stay within His purpose for our lives. Amen! ❤ [Honored to share on my Timeline and on our community page: A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry.]

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