
Do We Understand Why Jesus Was Crucified? — 8 Comments

  1. ❤ Sheryl, thank you for your powerful and insightful blog message today. Thank you for eloquently sharing the wonder of your breakthrough moment and what it meant to your heart. May each of us as Christians pause to remember when that happened in our own hearts and reach out to those who do not yet know Him as their personal Savior so that they can come to know the truth about salvation and how the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts to bring the glory of God to our lives. May our testimonies shine His light into the hearts of others! Amen! ❤ I am both blessed and honored to share your message on my Timeline. ❤

  2. Jesus not only died for us, He had to live a sinless life here on earth as a man empowered by the Holy Ghost. As the lambs sacrificed in the Old Testament had to be unblemished, so Jesus’ blood had to be pure to clense us from all sin. Glory to God Bobby

    • Amen! Glory to God, indeed!!
      What an incredible God we serve.
      Thank you for stopping by, Bobby. I hope you do so often. (And please tell your lovely wife, Barbara, I said “hello.”)

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