
Do You Need a Spiritual Haircut — 15 Comments

  1. Sheryl, thank you for the great visuals you provided as reminders in your message today. Over the years my husband and I have taken turns cutting each other’s hair: sometimes with wonderful results and sometime a lot of “growing out” was needed, but we continue to help one another in that way which takes love, trust, and perseverance! May each of us realize our deep need to ask God to search our hearts and ask for His wisdom and guidance as we strive to grow in our Spiritual maturity. May we not give up just because one haircut doesn’t turn out the way we had hoped. Praise God that He always knows what is best. May our goal be to please God and follow His leading. Amen I am both honored and blessed to share your excellent message on my Timeline.

    • Good morning, Joyce. Thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different with your insightful comment. I love how God uses marriage (and parenting, for that matter) to give us opportunities to grow in our faith.

  2. I know I could use some snipping. God’s pruning always results in our good- even though it’s painful at the time. Frequently God lets us feel his presence and know he is with us through it all.

    • Amen!! Indeed! I thank our heavenly Father for loving us enough to snip the necessary areas!! Thank you, Barbara, for stopping by Today Can Be Different and leaving a comment. AND for sharing this devotion on your Facebook page. I appreciate you.

  3. I really need a spiritual hair cut this year.I have gone through so much that I am slowly backsliding in my christianity.I might look well from the outside but inside I am not okay.May God snip away areas that I am failing and not pleasing.
    Thank you Sheryl for this wonderful devotion and please pray for me.

    • Good afternoon, Linda. I love your transparency – while grieving for all you’ve been through. I will pause to pray for you after I leave this comment – and whenever the Holy Spirit lays you on my heart. Please stay in touch so I can better know how to be praying.
      Don’t give up! Do you have some good Christian ladies who can pray with you and encourage you – and you for them?
      One last thing, would you consider picking a Bible verse to meditate on – and let me know which verse you’ve chosen?
      I love you, my friend.

  4. Where I live now ,I don’t really have any Christian lady I can count on.The bible verse that I meditate on is from 1st Peter2:9,Mathew 28:11-30.
    I will stay in touch for prayers.
    Thank you Sheryl.

    • Thank you for sharing the Bible verse and passage you’re meditating on, Linda. AND for your promise to stay in touch for prayers! I encourage others who reads your comment to pray for you as well.

  5. Oh, I will need snipping until my final breath! I’m currently targeting “confidence” to do the challenging things required in my new role as a widow. I’ve never had to depend on the Lord like the present. He is ever teaching and shaping me!

    • Oh my, Mary. I’m so very sorry to hear of the loss of your husband. I can’t begin to imagine your pain – and your overwhelming new challenge. I pray that you will experience God’s presence and guidance as much as you need to. Please let us know how you’re doing so we can pray for you!

  6. The Lord actually clipped my tongue. My husband is a unbeliever and we used to have quite a few disagreements. Last year I had had enough and spent many hours in prayer to be able to control my tongue. Well, the Lord worked a miracle and I now have a perfect marriage. Satan no longer visits us regularly and when he tries, I pray, walk away from confrontation and it’s great.

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