
Do you run toward – or away from – conflict? — 6 Comments

  1. Thank you for the pertinent reminders of how we are to conduct ourselves when angry. I’ve already had the opportunity to practice this in my new apartment where this lady told me she was allowed to park in my parking spot and I wasn’t. She said she had parked there for years and I would have to find some other place to park. I kid you not and she looked ready to fight me over it. I think she must have intimidated the last tenant. I didn’t get into with her because christians don’t do that, but I did stand my ground, firmly and calmly and we decided we would let the manager decide. She stopped parking in my spot. Apparently the manager explained it to her.And I don’t have any guilt for how I handled it. I was seeking God’s wisdom the whole time. My mental framework is I want to be a missionary where I’m at and I want to conduct myself appropriately.

  2. Thank you for reminding me of this verse, Sheryl. Especially when I am reminded of how I judged another.

  3. Sheryl my hubby had a conflict a while back with a close friend. We really like this person and,we do not mind running errands for him. Yet one day he wanted us to do something he could do on his day off. It put hubby in a hard spot. As for me i was thinking about hubby. Since he gets up at 3:00 am to go to work.
    We also had worked things out for another person to run his Mom for the appointment on a different was tough for me but,i stood my ground because i felt our friend was so use to my hubby saying yes to helping. I will say when i said no he was caught off guard. Thankfully friends were praying me through this and ,we resolved the problem without any hard feelings.i love this Bible verse. Praying for you my sister in Christ!

  4. Thank you for your prayers, dear Susan. Thankfully, by the time you read this, God had already intervened.
    Praise God for His goodness in caring about those we care about – even those we’re in conflict with.
    I’m SO GLAD God worked it out for you, your husband and your friend, too.
    You brought up an important point – two actually. We must hold our ground, when appropriate. Always with a Christ-like attitude. You are blessed to have friends who knew to pray for you.
    I appreciate your heart, Susan.
    (I came back to say that I just saw that you shared this post on your FB page. Thank you!!)

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