
Dreading Seeing Someone At Your Family Holiday Get-Together? — 7 Comments

  1. Well written. Sometimes it’s not us or just us not wanting to see someone. I have an aunt who would rather think of me as the black sheep or last I heard she considers me dead. Cause I told the family secret an got help. And cause I don’t live my life according to her demands. As most of the family does when she says hop they do. I pray for her daily that God touches her hard heart and softens it in Him. My mom her sisters in Heaven an I know mom wouldn’t want to know this attitude so I try an put Gods love out to her but I can’t stoop to her level cause it’s not christ like. But I can love her in Him. Sorry rambling again hope you can get just if what i am trying to say here. GBU AN TY

    • I’m sorry you’ve experienced (and continue to experience) rejection within your family, Kati. In addition to praying for God to soften her heart – which you’re already doing – consider also praying for a specific need she may have. Such as: finances, health, etc.
      Ask God to help you to pray for specific needs. It’s a great way to be used by God and overcome what the devil means for evil.
      What do you think? Would you be willing to do that?

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