
We Can Trust God — 6 Comments

  1. Sheryl, thank you for your exceptional blog message today! I found it to be both insightful and encouraging and have shared it on our Heart”wings” A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page. j

    • Thank you, Joyce, for the compliment – and the honor of being posted on the public Heart”wings” Ministry page!
      AND thank you – and Becky Gifford Smith – for all you do in the Heart”wings” ministry.

  2. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world; I appreciated this blog piece and today’s Upper Room devotional! It also struck me that we share a similar first name, so took that as a sign that I should look you up. This bit of scripture has always spoken to me as well. I’ve overcome a lot of things: drugs, alcohol, (clean and sober for over 33 years), and cigarettes, but overeating continues to be the one thing I can’t seem to shake. Thanks for helping draw me closer to the Lord today!

    • Praise God! I’m always thrilled when God uses me. I love the way He uses each of us, don’t you, Cheryl?
      Please keep in touch and let us know how you’re doing.
      Thank you for the compliment and for reading my devotion in the Upper Room.
      AND welcome to Today Can Be Different. I hope you stop by often, Cheryl.

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