
Want to Experience Ultimate Fulfillment? — 8 Comments

    • Thank you, Barbara. The Holy Spirit has a way of getting our attention, doesn’t He? (Even the attention of the writer! 😉 )
      I appreciate you, Barbara, for faithfully dropping by Today Can Be Different and for sharing my devotions on your Facebook page. THANK you.

  1. Thank you for this post as it emphasizes what my last Bible study discussed. I particularly liked when you said that persecution will cause us to start to look like the One Who died for the people we’re witnessing to.

    • Hello, Wendy! How nice to see you again at Today Can Be Different. I’d love to know what Bible Study you and your group are doing if you care to tell us.
      Thank you for stopping by. Do so again! 🙂

      • Sure, but it’s more of a book study as we’re reading A. W. Tozer’s, The Attributes of God.

  2. Sheryl, thank you for your exceptional blog message today! I found it to be enlightening and thought-provoking as it points our hearts to how we can have a fulfilling life here on earth while keeping eternity in mind. May we always lean into Him for His wisdom and depend on His gentle whispers to guide us on our heaven-bound path. Amen! ❤ [Honored to share your message on our A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry outreach and on my Timeline.]

    • Thank you so much, Joyce, for your kind words. I agree. If we always lean into our heavenly Father’s wisdom and strength, we’ll hear His gentle whispers!
      Also, thank you, Joyce, for sharing my devotion on your Facebook page AND on A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry page!

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