
If You’re Feeling Hopeless (In Honor of Mental Health Awareness Month) — 7 Comments

  1. Great post, Sheryl. I have a friend who is so hard to reach. It can easily be felt as rejection, but I have to push that thought away and realize it is her disease that keeps her so isolated. She sometimes says I am the only one who has not given up on her, and I am her only Christian friend. It is hard. But I keep trying. She is worth it. She is a carrier of God’s image and a precious person He made.

    • Hello, Janice. Good job in sticking with your friend who needs your support. Indeed, she is worth it!
      Keep up the good work ~ we’ll be praying for you as you continue to show your friend God’s love and grace.

  2. A very informative message.
    It’s imperative that if you suffer from depression or debilitating sadness, get professional help. Preferably from a Christian one.
    It made all the difference for me.

    • Hi, Sandra. I’m glad you brought up the importance of getting professional (preferably Christian) counseling. I’ve mentioned in previous posts how God used Christian counseling in my journey.
      I’m glad you’re doing well, Sandra!

  3. What a wonderful testimony on how your family and Christian friends helped give you hope in your darkest moments even when even some in the hospital had all but given up! I know that nothing is impossible for God, and with encouragement from others, and God, we can all persevere in dark times. I really struggled with my physical illness, as no one seemed to believe me, even my own husband, until I finally was diagnosed 13 years later!! It affected me emotionally and spiritually, too! I can truly empathize! You are an amazing warrior for the truth and it shows through all your devotions, Sheryl! You are an inspiration to all of us!️

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