
Prepare To See “That” Family Member This Holiday — 7 Comments

  1. It’s a good idea to pray for others, especially those we don’t always agree with on certain issues. God can change how we feel about these individuals by praying for them and changing our attitude towards them, as well. Let us allow God to soften our hearts towards others this holiday season and see others through His eyes and how He loves them with compassion and loving kindness! Thanks Sheryl! This is so important!️⭐️

    • I agree, Kim. It is so very important! We don’t always know what people are dealing with. Our prayers for them, spending time with them – and loving them in Christ – can affect them in ways we may never know.
      Thank you for stopping by! I truly appreciate it.

  2. Holidays can be very stressful and strained relationships just add to that. How much pressure it would take off us if we made the effort to love the “unlovable” or “THAT” family member. It might not change them, but it would certainly change us. Very good word Sheryl!

    • Hello, Delores. It’s so nice to see you again at Today Can Be Different. (Thank you for the compliment!)
      I love what you said . . . Holidays are indeed stressful – and how much less stressful they would be if we took real steps to love those who are hard to love.
      After all, they’re likely are the ones who need love the most. (As is the case with us sometimes. 🙂 )

      Please stop by often, Delores!

  3. The holidays are stressful this year and I agree with you friend. The best thing we can do is pray for our family and friends. That we are gathering with this holiday season.

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