
When Insecurities or Ambitions Sabotage Our Relationships — 7 Comments

  1. I can relate to this where it comes to loving my husband more, but as I used to be more competitive in the work place and have insecurities when I was younger, I don’t struggle with this as I used to do in the past. I depend on God’s confidence and wait on Him more, and really don’t worry so much about how others think of me anymore. Maybe retirement has helped with this, as I’m more relaxed than I used to be. We can all learn more how to love others as Christ loves us, though! I know I can certainly improve in this area. Thanks Sheryl!✝️

  2. Sheryl thank you for this article today.I am seeking God to help me love others as he loves us, and help me to see others through his eyes. In this time of my broken heart. Yet i am reminded I don’t know what he is doing but,I know what he has done for me and, I know he has already Won.

    • Amen!! He has, INDEED, already won – which means you have already won through Christ.
      Keep your mind and heart on God. Take captive every thought (and emotion) and make them obedient to Christ by focusing on His Word, His faithfulness – and His tremendous love for you and everyone involved in the situation.
      I love you, Susan. Please keep us posted!

  3. A nice message but because I’ve matured over the years, I no longer have the needs mentioned. I suppose that’s one positive trait of being older. Things once a problem in the past very often don’t apply any longer.

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