God’s Grace Is Real
No matter how much you’ve sinned, God’s grace is greater. The prodigal son thought he had lost everything, but his father ran to meet him with open arms. This is exactly how God feels about you.
Continue reading →No matter how much you’ve sinned, God’s grace is greater. The prodigal son thought he had lost everything, but his father ran to meet him with open arms. This is exactly how God feels about you.
Continue reading →For years, I felt powerless to say no to the behavior associated with anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Hunger pangs would shoot through my navel to gnaw at my spine. How crazy was it to starve myself, even though food was always available?
Continue reading →During the next several weeks, let’s see how much we can grow while meditating on Romans 6, a tremendous chapter that calls us to purity and holiness. And let’s invite someone (or someones) to go on the journey with us.
Continue reading →Each day, pick a different name (or group), such as your country, another nation, your spouse, one of your children, a family member, even an “enemy” (someone you have a difficult time with), and then, instead of eating that second cookie or watching another episode of Matlock, pray for them.
Continue reading →In our best moments and in our worst, we can rest securely in our Father’s love. He knows, despite our best intentions, that we’ll still mess up and provides His loving-kindness to lead us to repentance.
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