This Minute, Right Now – The Choice is Ours
Knowing that God will never abandon us – and will provide everything we need to make good choices – gives us the confidence we need to live wisely and honorably.
Continue reading →Knowing that God will never abandon us – and will provide everything we need to make good choices – gives us the confidence we need to live wisely and honorably.
Continue reading →What’s keeping you from leaning your whole personality (including everything that makes you do the things you do) on God? To help you answer these questions, it may help to ask yourself, “What is one habit or sinful behavior I’d like to stop?”
Continue reading →With God’s help, each month let’s commit to one area we want to work on. Minute-by-minute and choice-by-choice, through the power of the Holy Spirit, let’s reach toward what lies ahead – a different way of living.
Continue reading →Do you want the rewards that come when you seek God and His wisdom? Or do you prefer the consequences when you rebel against God and His ways? We can have purpose, direction and meaning. Or we can live recklessly – and suffer disappointment and regret.
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