
The life we live after death — 9 Comments

  1. I will be with my Lord, because He keeps His promises. I am already in eternity. Thank you for including the thought, Jesus gives us power, the will to resist sin, yet go to Him when I do. He paid the price for my sin. I feel the tears, thanks to the Holy Spirit for leading me into this truth.

  2. We finished watching “The Passion of Christ.” Our hearts were wrenched as it was with reading your powerful message. Thanks be to God for His indescrible gift!

  3. “The Passion of the Christ” is truly moving. A powerful, and as you say, “indescribable” display of our Savior’s love for us.
    Thank you for stopping by again, FellowBeliever!

  4. You did an excellent job describing the physical pain Jesus endured for our sins. I think his real dread of the cross came from having the sins of the whole world laid on him. God turned away from him. We will never suffer in comparison to what Jesus endured. I heard someone say once that they suffered more than Christ did. He was bitter and trying to justify his sins. This was in a book I read. I didn’t know him. But that is a very unhealthy mind frame.

    • Hi, Jean. Indeed – the worse part of what Jesus endured was when our sins were poured onto Himo on the cross and experienced (for the first time ever -and only time) His Father’s rejection. I talked about this in “Jesus Suffered Physically and Emotionally on Good Friday.”
      Amazing love!!!

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