
I tried to lose 10 pounds but gained 5 instead! — 6 Comments

  1. Thank you, Sheryl
    Extra weight has been a challenge my whole adult life. But I praise God that who I am in Him helps me to know I am loved and He helps me stay walking in His light.
    I’ve come to know that focusing on His word and reading daily through the Bible in a year is what will keep me from focusing on my own vanity. I am blessed to continue teaching in a children’s ministry called Sidewalk where we meet kids on the street. I have great joy and peace with The Holy Spirit within as I prepare and lead.
    May God continue to bless your ministry within His will,

    • Indeed. focusing our hearts and our thoughts on God(and His Word) keeps our minds and emotions healthier.
      And God bless you, Sharri, as you continue ministering to children!

  2. Sheryl, I know the feeling of not being able to bend over to tie your shoes, or much else for that matter. After we moved here (to TX) my weight soared to the highest it’s ever been. So one day I decided to just cut the amount of carbs in half. If I ordered a burger, only half the bun was what I ate, and so it went, except with pasta. You can’t take pasta away from an Italian. Anyway, 18 months later I am some 40 lbs. lighter and loving it. Nothing fancy, no real deprivation, just a slight adjustment. Now to find an workout program I can stick with,

    • Wow! That is so impressive, Diane. Congratulations on sticking with a plan. PLEASE pray for me to stick with a plan.
      About a workout program: I find when I commit to a short time segment (such as 15 minutes), it gets me started. Then add a few minutes each week, until you reach your exercising goal. Maybe that will help you get moving.
      Thank you, Diane, for stopping by Today Can Be Different. Please stop by again!

  3. I sgree stress puts on weight!
    Iam so thankful 3 years ago .I made up my mind to lose weight and get in better health. Try not to think of a as a diet but a lifestyle change. The hard part now for me is building muscle. Thankful now hubby is working on his health too! Thank you for this article!

    • Hi, Susan. I need to remember to think of it as a lifestyle change. Thank you for that.
      Congratulations on the progress you’ve made in the last three years!
      AND thank you for stopping by Today Can Be I always love it when you do.

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