
When You’d Rather Skip Christmas This Year — 5 Comments

  1. I was thinking just a couple of days ago how hard Christmas will be this year for a friend of mine who recently went through a divorce. Unfortunately, they go through the same types of feelings that come when death causes a loss. I’ve been praying about how I can minister to her. Thank you for the prayer suggestion from Psalm 23.

    • I love your comment, Sharon. Those going through the death of a marriage is indeed so very difficult. So very difficult. Thank you for your sweet, compassionate heart!
      And thank you for stopping by Today Can Be Different and leaving aa comment!

  2. Our pianist at church lost her husband this year, and I saw her sitting by herself, so I went over to talk to her. It was right after Thanksgiving weekend. All I had to do is ask her how she was doing, and she talked with me about all she did with her mother in law and her own family, and then she went to the gulf by herself after all the festivities were over and how peaceful it was for her to be by the water. I told her how I feel closer to God at the beach than any other place. He is our Living Water after all. Then someone else that I’ve known for a long time came along side to give her a hug! It was all God’s doing. He’s such a good Shepherd! Thanks Sheryl!✝️

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