
When Others Are Promoted Instead of You — 4 Comments

  1. I agree. If our focus is really on Jesus we can do this. If our focus is on worldly recognition then we can’t. God wants to purify us. He’s preparing his bride. The fire gets intensely hot at times, but it is well worth it. Our reward is in heavenly treasures not earthly treasures.

    • Indeed. How would it change everything if we did everything for His glory, rather than ours?
      Thank you, Barbara, for reading my devotion – AND for taking the time to leave a comment.
      I also appreciate that you shared this on your FB page. Thank you!!

  2. For such an important and impactful post, I thank you. Forgiveness in Love is what Jesus Christ is all about. We are to forgive others, even if they do not forgive us. We are to forgive them of their damaging actions in the first place…then forgive them for not forgiving us. Consider which sins Jesus died to remove and how many times God forgives us and for what kinds of sins!

    • Thank you, Mike. Indeed. Great comment. Every sentence!
      (I was wondering if you meant to post this under my previous post, “Forgiving Those Who Willfully Hurt Us”)?

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