
Why Our Faith Needs to be Tested — 12 Comments

  1. Thank you Sheryl. I always like to remember that Satan is just a created being and that God is in control. He allowed this into my life to help me be more Christlike and conform to his image. I need to submit to the Potter’s Hand. I currently have 2 problems that would have devastated me in the past, but thanks be to God I am starting to apply his word more faithfully. And thanks for your years of gentle correction and guidance. ♥️

  2. Thank you for your article Sheryl. I have been through many trials in my life and continue to have them as we all do. Sometimes it is hard to walk around with a smile when your being torn apart inside. I struggle and have to remind myself that God is always in control no matter what and will sustain me no matter the outcome. Thank you for providing this scripture and article, it is just what I needed today.

    • Thank you, Gina, for your comment. I’m sorry you’ve been through so much – more pain than I can begin to imagine. I appreciate your heart. Your trust in our sovereign, compassionate God is a real example of faith.
      (Also, thank you for dropping by Today Can Be Different.)

  3. I have often seen God’s mighty hand when facing extreme trials. He has brought the sweetest answers to my prayers through these trials. We certainly need to “Let patience have her perfect work that we can be complete and lacking nothing.” Isn’t that an amazing promise?

    • Hi, Janice! Yes, it is an amazing promise that God as we persevere in our trials, God will use our perseverance to bring us to completeness – lacking nothing! Wow!!

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