
Would You Defend Me If My Life Were Threatened? — 11 Comments

  1. I overheard a young girl sitting behind me at a baseball game, describe her recent abortion to her friends. It was as casual to her as if her mother had taken her to the dentist to have a tooth pulled. I was shocked, but said nothing. I pray for that unknown person right now. For her to seek and find God’s love and grace

    • Your comment gave me pause, Sherry. 🙁
      I join you in praying for this young lady – and for all those who have had abortions and plan to have one. I also pray for all those affected by abortions (dads, grandparents, etc.)

  2. Your thoughts mirror mine on this issue. I can not fathom killing a baby. God gave us the miracle of life, it should be treasured at all costs.

  3. Sheryl, thank you for your compassionate heart and the caring sensitivity with which you prepared this important message. Your words: “I realize abortion is a fiery issue that has the power to arouse strong emotions. For those who are pro-choice, I respectfully ask that you hear me out. I’m praying for the right words because I honestly don’t want to put even more distance between the two sides” set the tone for what follows in your message. May we as Christian, Children of God, stand strong on this issue and reach out to as many hearts as we can for His divine purpose and glory. I am both honored and blessed to share your message on my Timeline today.

    • Thank you, Joyce. I appreciate your faithful sharing of my devotions – ESPECIALLY this specific message – on your FB page. And thank you for your stand for life.

  4. Thank you Sheryl, I pray daily that abortions will be stopped world wide. God formed each of these babies and they are precious to Him. Thank you for all you do. I always look forward to your emails.

    • I’m praying right along with you, Dave! Thank you for your stand for life.
      And by the way, I always look forward to your comments on Today Can Be Different. They always encourage me.

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