
You are beautifully and perfectly loved — 8 Comments

  1. This post reminded me of when I first came to understand God loved me. That he saw me and I mattered to him. That was a glorious day indeed for me! It changed my life. Thanks for the reminder.

    • Wow! What a glorious memory for you, Barbara, indeed!! I pray we all remember the day when we discovered – and believed – that God loved us. Imperfect, underserving us.

  2. Sheryl, this is a beautiful message. When we hear or say negative self depracating words, your encouragement reminds us that we are criticising our Holy temple. I’m getting better at saying thank you to a compliment rather than expressing false humility. We have learned that from what we hear in the world. Reading, Believing God’s promises, is best. Keep on mentoring us, Sheryl!

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