
A Great Way to Show Appreciation for Our Pastors — 8 Comments

    • Thank you, Barbara. I agree, praying for our pastors is so very important.
      And thank you for sharing my devotion on your Facebook page. I always appreciate it when you do.

    • Truth be told, Sharon, I sometimes need to be reminded to pray for my pastor too.
      It’s nice to see you again. Please stop by Today Can Be Different often!

  1. Sheryl, thank you for your exceptional blog message this week. Your message reminds us that we each need to consider the importance of coming alongside our pastors and their wives and children to show them our love and encouragement for all they do in our churches. Our own pastor’s wife mentioned just last week that many are leaving their churches because they are feeling lonely and even sometimes unappreciated. She related that many are feeling that they have lost the ability to impact the hearts of their flock for His purpose and glory. May we reach out to them and let them know that their service and faithfulness to God continues to be a source of encouragement to us! Amen! ❤ [Shared on our A Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page and on my Timeline.]

    • Amen!! Indeed!! I appreciate every point you made, Joyce — including the part about how discouraged many pastors are becoming.
      And thank you, Joyce, for sharing my devotion on the Women’s Fellowship/Ministry community page and on your Facebook page.

  2. My dad used to make the comment, “Who ministers to the minister.”

    In my church fortunate to have retired pastors in it. That gives an outlet for any minister I think.

    My men’s group actually has 3 retired ministers in it. All as participants rather than leaders most of the time. One has a number of books which we have decided to use at times. In fact currently using one of them. Interesting as get additional insight. Like others they share the joys and pains in their lives over the years.

    • Hello, Brooks. Welcome to Today Can Be Different.
      I love your comment. It begs the question: Can (and should) retired pastors offer themselves as “ministers to the minsiter[s]”? It could be a real key to providing retired pastors an ongoing purpose while giving the younger ministers a trustworthy person to confide in.
      What do you think, Brooks?

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