Is it time to break ties?
Perhaps you don’t struggle with poor choices. Maybe you could mentor someone who has trouble making good ones. Consider asking your pastor to connect you with someone who could use your help.
Continue reading →Perhaps you don’t struggle with poor choices. Maybe you could mentor someone who has trouble making good ones. Consider asking your pastor to connect you with someone who could use your help.
Continue reading →Even if you think it won’t work because you’ve tried it before, risk trusting God’s love for you, one more time. If necessary, call someone who has a close relationship with God and ask them to pray with you and help you find God’s rest.
Continue reading →With God’s help, you can change. Your next twelve months probably won’t be featured in a magazine, but it could be your best year ever.
Continue reading →Wouldn’t now would be a good time to take that first step toward a closer relationship with God?
Continue reading →Try it this week. Spend time imagining yourself chatting with Jesus face-to-face. Picture Him holding you tightly while you pour out your heart to Him. Tell Him how scared you are that Grandma might die, how much you miss spending time with your family and friends as you shelter in place, how you’re not sure if you’ll be able to buy groceries next week. If you don’t need anything, take a moment just to worship your Lord and talk about … everything.
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