
When we’ve been forgiven much — 4 Comments

  1. Good afternoon Sheryl this so true.
    How much closer our daily walk would be with God.if we applied Deut. 6;5b every morning when we woke up. I accept your challenge. Pray for me and I will do the same for you!

    • Hi, Susan!! THANK you for offering to pray for me (as I will for you) as we endeavor to love our Lord with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our might!

  2. What a wonderful post. For me, I am humbled by our Savior, that He would be so gracious to us. What great questions you pose for our consideration. Thank you so much, Sheryl!

    • Good morning, Wanda! I love the way you worded, “I am humbled by our Savior, that He would be so gracious to us.”
      Welcome to Today Can Be Different. I hope you stop by often.

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