Enviable Peace
When we practice going to our heavenly Father in every situation (with our hearts filled with gratitude for the generous love He has for us) something beautiful happens: Our countenance reflects the peace of God.
Continue reading →When we practice going to our heavenly Father in every situation (with our hearts filled with gratitude for the generous love He has for us) something beautiful happens: Our countenance reflects the peace of God.
Continue reading →The immediate reward we experience when we take a wrong turn to engage in immoral behavior can be very seductive. The initial pleasure we experience can blur our once-established boundaries, overshadowing our ability to discern right from wrong.
Continue reading →We have a choice: Believe the truth of who God is, accept His love, and receive His offer of mercy. Or continue to believe the lie that we have no place at His throne when we’ve acted unworthily.
Continue reading →What would happen if we truly sought God? What if we read, read, read the Bible, and asked His Holy Spirit to help us understand its meaning? What if we prayed, prayed, prayed, telling God everything in our heart – and then listened to hear what’s on His?
Continue reading →The more we thank God for the endless grace and mercy He extends to us, the more we’re able to reflect our identity in Him toward those we share life with. Let’s aim to do this well. Let’s seek to destroy the enemy’s plan to keep us from experiencing a better, more Christ-like way of living.
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