Happy endings aren’t guaranteed
Every day we resist shameful behavior, we become empowered to make better choices. Better choices result in better days.
Continue reading →Every day we resist shameful behavior, we become empowered to make better choices. Better choices result in better days.
Continue reading →When depression swallows up everything good, I hope you’ll make an appointment with a reputable Christian counselor. A biblically based counselor can help you discover God’s unconditional love and the life-giving power in His Word.
Continue reading →We have a choice. We can ask God to help us build up our marriage, or we can choose to tear it down, one selfish act or remark at a time. Are we willing to do what it takes to have the relationship we crave?
Continue reading →How many people have I hurt with my hasty and superficial verdicts? How many have you?
Continue reading →As they grow up and develop relationships in the work force and in their communities, how do we want them to respond when someone disagrees with their point of view? How bad are we willing to let things get as we watch the chips on our children’s shoulders grow sinfully larger and larger? And the childlike love in their hearts grow colder and colder?
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