Where Is Your Heart For God?
Are you frustrated because you’ve been giving in to the same old sinful behavior? Or are you having trouble with those constant negative spiraling-out-of-control emotions?
Continue reading →Are you frustrated because you’ve been giving in to the same old sinful behavior? Or are you having trouble with those constant negative spiraling-out-of-control emotions?
Continue reading →God is available to meet with you every minute of every day. Your heavenly Father wants to ask, “What would you like Me to do for you?” How will you answer? This week, think about His question and consider journaling about it during your quiet time.
Continue reading →Do we, as a nation, appreciate our service members’ sacrifices – and the sacrifices of their families?
Continue reading →God will never stop helping us grow in Him. And, although He enjoys seeing us reach our goals – especially those He has put in our hearts to accomplish – His love for us and His opinion of us stands, regardless of the status of our checked-off to-do list. In addition, when our goals and tasks honor Him, He’ll help us accomplish these tasks.
Continue reading →Glorifying God during tough times may seem hard – maybe even without noticeable effect – at first. But try it for one full day. Then consider doing it again the next day.
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